
Access sharpkeys
Access sharpkeys

  • Ensure that your AutoHotkey file is named AutoHotkeyU64.ahk.
  • Ensure the executable you are using is AutoHotkeyU64.exe.
  • If it didn't work, ensure that the following is true:.
  • Regardless of if you created your own AutoHotkeyU64.ahk file or downloaded my starter file, open your Documents folder and double-click on AutoHotkeyU64.exe. ^F5::Reload Ctrl-F5 reloads the current AutoHotKey script after any edits. +F5::Edit Shift-F5 launches the current AutoHotkey script in preferred editor, else Notepad
  • Alternatively, open Notepad and paste the following code into it, and save it as AutoHotkeyU64.ahk in your Documents folder:.
  • Right-click this link and click ‘Save file as’ and save it to your Documents folder.
  • Extract the zip file to your Documents folder (or whenever you want, but this is easiest).
  • zip file you just downloaded (it should be in your Downloads folder, and have a filename like ‘AutoHotkey112301.zip’)

    access sharpkeys

  • Look for the text “Download AutoHotkey.zip” and click it to download the file.
  • Navigate to the Downloads page on the AutoHotkey website.
  • access sharpkeys

    To take advantage of this feature of AutoHotkey: This is a huge boon if you’re anywhere without administrator access to install software on your own computer, such as a corporate, university, government, or tight-fisted small business employer. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: you don’t have to install AutoHotkey to reap the benefits. Further, it’s often easier to use AutoHotkey without installing it. And become an AutoHotkey ninja with my 5-star ebook, Practical AutoHotkey. TL DR: Run portable AutoHotkey.exe without installing, by using the AutoHotkeyU64.exe file available in the.

    Access sharpkeys